Hawkswell Kilvington

We Walk for Yorkshire


Team members


Team progress


Hawkswell Kilvington Walk for Yorkshire 2024

This May we're joining people across Yorkshire who are coming together to walk 31,000 miles to raise money for vital research which will help save more lives.

31,000 is the number of people who are diagnosed with cancer every year in Yorkshire.

The Hawkswell Kilvington team have set a target of 1,060 miles to complete in May towards the overall target Yorkshire Cancer Research has set. 

People are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer in Yorkshire than in most other parts of England and, tragically, too many people die. Yorkshire Cancer Research exists to change this. With the help of people across the region, the charity funds vital research and pioneers innovative new services for people with cancer.

Every step counts, and every pound you are able to give will help save lives in Yorkshire.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Dino Tomasso

Well Done!


Christine Searby

Do your best, don’t wreck your knee! M xx


Matthew Alan Shotton


Rachel Heald

Well done Team HK!


Mark Robinson


Jonathan Robson

Great work Crawsh!


Margaret Saunders And Friends


Ashton Family

You'll get there...eventually


Tim Graham

Proud of you !!


Sheila Orman


Matthew Leonard


Louise Tankard


Danny J


Andrew Warden


Claire Saunders




Julie Oneil


Lindy Graham

Good luck Shauna


Prudence Walton


John Walker


Martin White

well done Matt, thanks for your efforts. your a bit faster than me!