maisy tester

We Walk for Yorkshire

We Walk for Yorkshire 2025

This May I'm joining people across Yorkshire who are coming together to walk 31,000 miles to raise money for vital research which will help save lives in Yorkshire.

31,000 is the number of people who are diagnosed with cancer every year in Yorkshire.

People are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer in Yorkshire than in most other parts of England and, tragically, too many people die. Yorkshire Cancer Research exists to change this. With the help of people across the region, the charity funds vital research and pioneers innovative new services for people with cancer.

Every step counts, and every pound I am able to raise will help save lives in Yorkshire.

My Activity Tracking


My donations could fund...

a researcher for



My Achievements

I've got the T-shirt!

I've got the pin badge!

Profile picture added

Shared my page

I've donated myself

First donation received

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached my fundraising target

Completed 50% of my distance

Completed 75% of my distance

Reached my distance goal

My updates

Yorkshire Cancer

Monday 17th Feb

I love to walk

Monday 17th Feb
Walking is fun

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jodie Allinson

Here’s a message to wish you a great deal of luck in this magnanimous challenge you are undertaking. I’m writing you quite a long message this time to see how it looks when someone that likes to waffle pops along and makes a donation. Best wishes etc


Maisy Mouse




I love walking

Together we can walk for a Yorkshire free from cancer