PJ Interiors (2016) Ltd

We Walk for Yorkshire in your Workplace

We Walk for Yorkshire 2025

This May we're joining people across Yorkshire who are coming together to raise money for vital research that will help save lives in Yorkshire.

Every 17 minutes, someone in Yorkshire is told they have cancer. People are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer in Yorkshire than in most other parts of England and, tragically, too many people die.

This May, I would like to help change this, by taking part in We Walk for Yorkshire to raise money for Yorkshire Cancer Research. Thanks to supporters, the charity funds vital research and pioneers innovative new services for people with cancer.

Every step counts and every pound I am able to raise will help save lives in Yorkshire.

Our impact


Team members


Team distance

Our donations could fund a researcher for



Top fundraisers of individuals part of the team

Team leaderboards

Top fundraisers of individuals part of the team

Most miles of individuals part of the team

Thank you to our Sponsors


Paul Grundy

Together we can walk for a Yorkshire free from cancer