Christel Thompson

We Walk for Yorkshire

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 mi

We Walk for Yorkshire 2024

This May I'm joining people across Yorkshire who are coming together to walk 31,000 miles to raise money for vital research which will help save lives in Yorkshire.

31,000 is the number of people who are diagnosed with cancer every year in Yorkshire.

People are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer in Yorkshire than in most other parts of England and, tragically, too many people die. Yorkshire Cancer Research exists to change this. With the help of people across the region, the charity funds vital research and pioneers innovative new services for people with cancer.

Every step counts, and every pound I am able to raise will help save lives in Yorkshire.

My Achievements

Profile picture added

Shared my page

I've donated myself

First donation received

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached my fundraising target

Completed 50% of my distance

Completed 75% of my distance

Reached my distance goal

My Updates

Day 29 - Wednesday 29th May

Wednesday 29th May
Attending circuits class tonight so thought a run wasn't wise but enjoyed a lunchtime walk from the office with Jen today. Getting those last few miles in! 

Day 28 - Tuesday 28th May

Tuesday 28th May
Back to work today so walked to and from work (although forgot to record the walking to work element on Strava - need to get back into the rhythm of recording walking to work!)

Day 27 - Monday 27th May

Monday 27th May
Ran from home into Starbeck, down to Knaresborough and then back via Calcutt, Hookstone and Woodlands. Solid 10k or so route. Very happy with my time and distance considering I haven't seen a hill in over a week down in Norfolk! :D

Day 26 - Sunday 26th May

Monday 27th May
First walk back in Harrogate today and some stretches and strength training ready for a longer run tomorrow. I'll need the warm up going back onto hills from the flatlands of Norfolk!

Day 25 - Saturday 25th May

Monday 27th May
Travelling home from Norfolk. Washing, ironing. No steps other than those made around the supermarkets of Harrogate! :D

Day 24 - Friday 24th May

Monday 27th May
Last walk in Norfolk today along the coast path (and beach!) from Wells next the sea to Holkham beach and back through the Pinewoods. 

Day 23 - Thursday 23rd May

Thursday 23rd May
Another very long although (mostly) flat run this morning along the estuary and coastline and back through the Burnham Market area. We are then doing a (8.5 mile I think) circular walk this afternoon around the Wells next the sea area so a lot of acitvity today fuelled by a late pub dinner last night and another pub dinner tonight!

Day 22 - Wednesday 22nd May

Thursday 23rd May
Very wet morning so had a day shopping! Plenty of walking around although didn't seem right to turn Strava on just for that so no steps recorded today, but probably a good break as I will be walking and running tomorrow!

Day 21 - Tuesday 21st May

Tuesday 21st May
First of the runs down here in Norfolk. Managed a longer distance today with it being very flat here (minus about two hills!) compared to Harrogate, although on onshore wind and "off road" terrain added to the difficulty. Enjoying the change of being able to run through nature reserves and by the sea though. Can't beat it! 

Day 20 - Monday 20th May

Monday 20th May
Continuing to enjoy lovely sunshine on holiday in Norfolk today we walked about a 13k circuit starting at Wiverton Downs, taking in Cley Next the Sea, more of the Norfolk coast path, and Blakeney. I just forgot to start Strava till we were about 45 minutes in so missing a part on the map! Then a well deserved burger, chips, treacle sponge and sea shanties at The Jolly Sailor in Brancaster!

Day 19 - Sunday 19th May

Sunday 19th May
Found a holiday running route now which is brilliant as we are staying in the middle of nowhere so a bit hard to find a nearby 10k route without running on roads! Also enjoyed a stretch of the Norfolk Coast Path this afternoon.

Day 18 - Saturday 18th May

Saturday 18th May
Lots of walking today. Little reccy of the village first thing to try and find a running route, half a day's hike around the Burnham Market area and then an evening walk around Holkham Beach and reserve. Lots of walking and even more sunshine!

Day 17 - Friday 17th May

Saturday 18th May
Going on holiday to Norfolk today so spent most of the day packing, travelling and unpacking. My first zero walk/run day of the challenge, but I know I will definitely be making up for it tomorrow!

Day 16 - Thursday 16th May

Thursday 16th May
Last day working before my holiday today, and still can't run for a couple of days so I opted for some stretching and weights this morning and enjoyed an evening walk around the Stray. 
Don't worry holiday from the running and walking. Tomorrow will be a lot of packing and travelling so may not get a walk in at all but please be assured there will be much more to come once I am settled into Norfolk!

Day 15 - Wednesday 15th May

Wednesday 15th May
Busy last working day (in the office) before holiday so just a walk to the office and home today. 

Day 14 - Tuesday 14th May

Tuesday 14th May
Spurred on by yesterday's walking efforts, and my run on Sunday I got up early to get another run in today before work. It's a shame the weather's changed but it was actually very refreshing to run in some rain! 

Day 13 - Monday 13th May

Monday 13th May
Today I walked to and from work, and I also took 3 hours out of the office this afternoon with a team of colleagues doing the We Walk for Yorkshire Challenge. We did a route of 11.5k around the edge of Harrogate, Spacey Houses and Pannal. Stunning day for it again!

Day 12 - Sunday 12th May

Sunday 12th May
Having struggled with getting out to run the last couple of days, today I decided I would take a slower pace and not set a distance, but just run until I felt tired. 
This, incidentally got me out of the house with gusto., which sometimes knowing I have to do my 9.5k route does not! I had no idea how far I had run until the end, but I ended up running 11.5k which is the furthest I've run the whole challenge, and just in a very long time. Very happy with myself, and a great reminder not to wait until things are perfect or "go hard or go home" in order to do something.
I will also take a short walk this afternoon before church to add to the walking miles.

Day 11 - Saturday 11th May 2024

Saturday 11th May
I took a brisk walk around Harrogate this morning in the beautiful weather we are having. Still making a conscious decision not to run for another day, although I expect I will need to tomorrow.  I then enjoyed a steady walk around Plumpton Rocks this afternoon with church friends. Running muscles feeling much more rested now and full of Vitamin D! 

Day 10 - Friday 10th May

Friday 10th May
Knee seems better today however I woke up with tight lower calves and a bit of a strain in my left hip flexor so opted for walking again. I took a longer lunch break and did the food shop entirely on foot (good job it was a shorter list!). All muscles seem to have benefitted from the weight bearing exercise. Going to do some stretching, weights and a bit of HIT tonight as well as been a bit off the "other" forms of exercise that all help with everything else!

Day 9 - Thursday 9th May

Thursday 9th May
Calves have been holding up well however I did notice a slight niggle in my "dodgy" (since I was in my teens) knee! So two short walks today at lunchtime and after work to take off any pressure. Haven't felt it today so I should be able to run tomorrow or Saturday again, and get some longer walks in in this fantastic weather! 

Day 8 - Wednesday 8th May

Wednesday 8th May
Back getting the running miles in today with an early morning 9.5k before work. Struggled with getting up so early for stretching etc. before the run but glad to have got it out of the way before work and get another 6 running miles in!
Hoping for a walk in the sunshine after work too. 

Day 7 - Tuesday 7th May

Tuesday 7th May
After quite an intense long weekend of running and hiking I opted today just to walk to and from work, which can be done in 25-30 mins if you walk very briskly!
I then took a more leisurely evening walk around The Stray. Lovely "day off" the running!

Day 6 - Monday 6th May

Monday 6th May
Well I can't think of better way to spend a Bank Holiday than out exploring the Great British Countryside!
Today I took Dad to one of my favourite, more challenging walks in the North York Moors National Park. Starting in the village of Chop Gate we climbed up to Cold Moor and joined the Cleveland Way to take us to the Wainstones before going up onto Urra Moor and completing the walk in Chop Gate. 
A welcome break from the running but certainly still a good challenge! 

Day 5 - Sunday 5th May

Sunday 5th May
Surprised to find myself awake at 6.05am on Sunday morning and not feeling as tired or tight as recent days I thought I'd get another run in whilst the world was all quiet. 

I've never known anything about what is a good time before I downloaded Strava to do this fundraiser but apparently (source - good friend who is a much more pro runner than me!!) this is an "ok" time for this distance too, particularly with a couple of longer hill climbs in there. I'm just very happy with this distance in whatever time on an empty stomach personally! 

Hopefully a shorter walk this afternoon too. Looks like it will be a lovely warm day. Happy Sunday all! 

Day 4 - Saturday 4th May

Sunday 5th May
May the 4th be with you...

Now that's the pleasantries out of the way, today I was remotivated and refuelled for running following catch up with an old work buddy in Leeds over a mountain of pancakes. 

Today however I forgot to set Strava going. I only downloaded it for this fundraiser and am still not quite used to the "oh I'm going for a run, I need to set Strava going" or "oh I'm going for a walk, I need to set Strava going" but thankfully the system allows you to manually upload mileage if you forget, and following a 2.5 day break from the running, I'm pleased to say that I managed a 9.5k/6 mile afternoon run.

Day 3 - Friday 3rd May

Sunday 5th May
Still a little fatigued (and tight!) from the double tough workout on Wednesday I opted for a bit of weight rehab for the calves today and a shorter lunch break walk.

Day 2 - Thursday 2nd May

Sunday 5th May
A little tired from my (probably silly) decision to also attend the work circuits class on Wednesday evening, I ditched the running today for a pre and post work walk.
As it was a WFH day it was nice to get out and enjoy the nice weather to bookend the day!

Day 1 - Wednesday 1st May

Sunday 5th May
Thought I'd start tracking each day's activity on here for my supporters to view.
I'm running 50 and walking 50 miles in May for Yorkshire Cancer Research as part of the We Walk For Yorkshire Fundraiser. 
Started off by going in hard with an early morning run on Wednesday. 

Facebook Fundraising Video - Why I am taking part

Sunday 5th May

Thank you to my Sponsors


Graeme Lee


Rose Sims

Well done Christel!!


Susie Greaves



from all 3 of us


Janet & Norman


Jane Matthews

Well done, Christel.




Neil And Deborah Newlove

Great thing to do Christel. God bless you


Malcolm Lamb

Well done Christel. What a great achievement


Keith Mayers

Great thing to be doing Christel. Keep up the good work!


Hilary Levitt

A fantastic cause, Christel. Lots of people in my family affected by cancer. Really appreciate what you are doing x




Team Wadsworth

Great cause, great charity, great challenge! Get it done!


Georgie Rose

Fantastic cause Christel. Very inspiring! 👏


Andrea Lindsay



Nicole Johannesen

Good luck Christel - if ever there was a challenge made for you it's this! Xx


Johnnie Clark

Great effort Christel & a really great cause too, enjoy & keep pushing… wonderful walking, well done


Daniel Abbott

You will smash this Tobes.


Tony Graham

Amazing work. You are inspirational and motivational, and truly dedicated to the cause. Great work.


Lorinda And John

Go go go Christel! Lots of love, Lorinda and John xxx


Michelle Jenkins

Well done Christel its a very worthy and deserving cause. You will smash it!!


David & Sarah James

You Go girl!


Christine Blunt

Good going Christel! Praying for you


Win And Jill Sweet

We know you have this in the bag, Christel. Go gal go X


Kathryn Terry

Fantastic cause..good luck.


Kathryn Anderson

Wishing you every success


Stephen And Jilly Thompson

We are with you all the way Christel. What a great cause! Very proud of you xx



Sending well wishes to all affected by cancer in Yorkshire…patients, family. friends, carers, medical staff, and all at Yorkshire Cancer Research. 🩷


Rona Gibb

Will be praying for you hope it all goes well and thanks for what you are doing.


Sue Long


Sue And Ian


Glynnis Frith


Aimee Johnson

Sound like a challenge!!! Good luck and all the best with the new job x


Amanda Tyson

Good luck Christel x


Uncle Dave And Auntie Christine


Tracy Waring

Good luck Christel! A very worthy cause. Lots of love from The Warings x


Danielle Hughes


Darren Clint

All the very Best with the Walk Christel


Caroline Faulkner

Good luck Christel! A worthy cause x


Bob & Stephanie Reeves

Go Christel, you will smash it!!



Go Christel!


Gail Robarge

Wonderful! Thank you, Christel!



Well done for raising funds and awareness- you’re amazing ❤️




Alex Proctor


Debbie & Robin Nicholson

Enjoy the miles! A very worthy cause. The Nicholsons


Gary & Gerry Taylor

You've talked the 'talk' now do the walk (and run!) Sending our very best wishes, Christel Xx


Janice Jenkins

Great cause Christel and I’m sure you will achieve your goal. Love Auntie J xx


Richard Whitehead

All the best with this Christel !


Sylvia Hare

God Bless you Christel. x


Christel Thompson

Let’s do this! 🙌💪